Saturday, July 14, 2007

Definitions and Identifications of Life

I should be in constant pursuance of righteousness and holiness and the “My life should be” phrase is not only an aspiration that is never accomplished but rather if I am not displaying the things that I am defined by then I must try to; not for self-righteousness but to ascribe glory to God. This list is not an exhaustive list but rather a list that will be added to and refined over the days and the years so that I never become complacent with whom I am in Christ.


1. (1/1/07) At the beginning of each day determine that the day would be wholly for the ascribing of glory to God and that it would be visibly manifested by me.

2. At the end of the year be able to reflect upon my life and be to go through all the different fruit that was born by the grace of God. Having others review my walk and be able to witness to the fruit in my life.

3. If none is found or that there is a great lack read 2 Corinthians 13:5 and mediate on it and pray through it.

4. That I would have a never ending pursuance of Christ and the Cross.

5. That I would leave with a Pauline mentality of to live is Christ and to die is gain by wholly being an imitator of God.

6. (1/2/07) My life should be defined by seeking every opportunity that is available to preach the gospel of Christ so that the elect may come to a saving relationship.

7. My life should be defined by the exhibition of Christ love to anybody and everybody I should come into contact by speaking less and hearing more.

8. My life should be defined first and foremost by the daily reading of the Word of God so that God can shape me into a man after his own heart.

9. My life should be defined by praying for my family and friends daily so that God would do a great work and the production of fruit in their lives.

10. My life should be defined by praying for the lost individuals that I know well or have had brief encounters with that God would save them.

11. My life should be defined by maximizing my time and not wasting it on things that are idle and meaningless.

1 comment:

Kevin Jones said...

Chris, very inspiring and convicting...