Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I must start with the fact that I was filthy and disgusting to God without Christ, but exalted myself in my own heart. I am a sinner that must consistently go to the Lord and seek out his mercy and shed tears knowing that he extended his grace to me who is so undeserving. If it was not for the sovereignty of God and for his election I would still be an idolater, adulterer, liar, and thief that dishonor all and only seeks to honor self. Praise God for Christ and the execution of His plan of the death and resurrection of Christ. Praise God for the blood of Christ and the covering of it over our sins so that we may be found righteous before him. Praise God for the His Spirit that resides in us and allows us to do both will and work of God for His good pleasure.

The mediations that are being written or have been written are about areas in my life that I am purposefully trying to pursue Christ-likeness in them. The topics that are written upon are things that weighing on my heart in many different ways, so I go to scripture and try to lay myself bare before the Lord knowing that being a child of God he desires me to live accordance to His Will. I write because I desire to honor the Lord by putting pen to paper of what I is a burden to my heart so that I maybe an encouragement to others but more so proclaim the living Christ actively working in my life. The different topics that are written upon are directly linked to something that is being rolled about in the recesses of my heart and then sought out in scripture. I desire for my life to be an exhibition of knowing Christ and anticipation of the return of Christ.

The mediations will on things of the Word of God that at times are something that I am not dealing with at a personal level but rather need to think upon in order to prepare myself for. I desire for my all my mediations to be rooted in the Word of God so that I do not lean on my own understandings. God’s Word is so powerful that it is life changing and transforming. I desire that all believers, myself included, would hunger and thirst for it so that they would enjoy Christ. I desire to ascribe glory to God in all areas in my life so I must be in constant examination of self so that I can be in constant pursuance of Him. Hopefully my mediations with exalt your view of Christ first and foremost or aflame a passion that once was there or have you desire to reach the lost because of the knowledge you too were once positional before God the same way. I hope my mediations will cause you to praise God and Him alone because He is the one that is in process of completing His workmanship.

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